Christian History Course

This is a collection of essays and course information from the Christian History Course offered by the Universal Life Church Seminary. We have essays and lesson information.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Master of Mystical Christianity Lesson 19; Answers

Questions For the Heart and Mind
  1. How is spirituality different from religion? Spirituality is different from religion in that spirituality is the broad encompassing gift of our entire being - spirit, soul, mind and body - longing and reaching out to the Divine in all actions, thoughts and motivations each day and night. Religion is a pathway that leads to God, offering the support and structure - often communally - of rituals, prayers, laws and dogma.
  1. How would you define a mystic? Do you consider yourself to be a mystic? I define a mystic as a person who desires to dwell in God's Love, and to allow the essence of God to permeate her/his being in order to become one with God. I believe that Jesus Christ spoke of our integral call to mysticism when He said, "Does it not say in the Scriptures, 'I said, you are gods', and all of you are children of the Most High." The Hebrew word 'gods' translated is elohim, which literally means 'gods', or 'mighty ones', although the word is often rendered as 'God' - i.e. the true God-Creator. We are God's children enfleshed here on earth, growing through different stages of our own growth cycle as children of God, preparing for our final birth into Heaven in the fullness of our mystically grown being, ready to take up our eternal destiny as one of God's family for eternity. I consider myself a mystic as through my God-gifted soul enfleshed in the body I was gifted through my parents, I am a daughter of God. I am thus called to eternal Family with God, and therefore in spiritual relationship with Him and all in the human global family. As daughter of God on journey towards Him, I am thus a mystic - a person who desires to dwell in God's Love, and hopeful to allow His essence to permeate my being with His goodness, values and beauty.Scriptures are very helpful here.
  2. How do you experience the difference between your ego self and your True "I" Self? I experience the ego to be that part of my self that I present to the world. I experience my true 'I' self as my 'higher self', the part of me that is connected to God - i.e. my soul, my centre. My higher self speaks through my body. If, for example, I am anxious about a situation and am unsure what the right course of action should be, I might experience a headache, my higher self prompting me to examine my inner being and the decisions I need to make in the situation. My ego simply responds to the outer world outside my physical being; my higher self prompts my ego not to think only of myself, but to think about the welfare and happiness of others.
Rev.Catherine Whittle

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